I recently read an article (AnswersInsider July 2019) comparing how our culture needs to again know the Bible and compared it to the time of King Josiah in the old testament (II Kings 22-23). The Israelites lost the Book of the Law (the first five books of the Bible) and didn’t even know it. King Josiah was trying to do right in God’s eyes. In his 18th year as king, the high priest found the Book of the Law and gave it to the king’s secretary. After reading it the secretary read the book to King Josiah. He realized how far from they were from obeying God’s commands and tore his clothes.
Relationship – Broken
King Josiah realized the broken relationship with God. That broken relationship is a gap between God, his holiness and goodness, and our complete unrighteousness. We need to realize and remain aware of this gap in our own lives.
It is so easy to be complacent, as Christians. We can so easily think that we are okay because we have been saved. Our thoughts and actions become like the pharisee when comparing himself to the tax collector (Luke 18: 9-14). We become confident in our “righteousness” or supposed lack of “unrighteousness”. Instead, our confidence should be that we are saved because of God’s goodness and mercy. Romans 2:4 was shared in church last week.
Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you towards repentance?
When we lose sight of our position with God and forget about the gap between Him and us, we set ourselves up to pass judgment on others. We have to be careful. There are specific things that God has forbidden and condemned. But it is not our place to judge, it is our place to immerse ourselves in God’s word, so we can live it. It is our place to share the Bible and its instructions, to help them see their need for repentance.
Repentance – Relationship healed
Repentance must first come within our hearts. We then have to live out God’s commands. We can only live them out if we know what they are. When was the last time you read your Bible? Devotionals can be good. They can help in our understanding and application of the Bible, but you can’t read a devotional and skip reading the Bible. If you don’t think you have time for both. Skip the devotional and read the Bible. Let its words soak into your heart, mind, and soul. Let those words transform your thoughts and actions.
When we let God’s word continue to transform us, we have a better chance of not forgetting what God has done for us. And in turn, we will be better able to share that with others, without judgment, but with love and concern for their eternal soul.
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